Be Personally Accountable
Personal Accountability means making a continuous commitment to yourself and those around you to take conscious ownership of your life and your decisions. It is not a goal to be reached, but rather an ongoing struggle to reject both victim-hood and self aggrandizement.
What happens when personal integrity is neglected?
FIFA is a perfect example of what happens when the forces advocating for a culture of personal integrity aren’t strong enough to prevail. FIFA is an amazing organization. They monetized the sport, created perhaps the greatest sporting spectacle the world has yet seen, and rather than simply resting on their laurels with all the sponsorships…
Why Voting is insufficient
Most people vote every 2 or 4 years, and consider that to be a completed civic duty. But they vote every day with their choices as consumers. And they endorse industries or companies when they choose to work for them. And because one single vote doesn’t seem to matter and being a more conscious consumer…
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