SotG Global Council

The SotG Global Council(GC) acts as an extended Advisory Board for SotG Global, and each member has also directly taken charge of one of our global initiatives and/or is leading their Regional Council. General time commitment for this role is 5-10 hours per week.

The GC is made up of:

The GC will meet once every 2-4 weeks, typically alternating between early afternoon and early evening European time. The main purposes of the GC are:

  1. Progress reports from each of the Working Groups, Regional Councils, or Division Groups which have met since the last GC meeting. These reports should contain:

    • A summary of the last meeting
    • An agenda for the next meeting
    • Any questions members of the group wanted to ask the GC or requests for help 
  2. Updates from SotG Global leadership regarding new initiatives and/or partnerships or other updates to the various Pillars.

  3. Feedback from GC members to the management team on those updates, etc. 


  • ——-Primary—————————

  • Women’s Empowerment
  • Entrepreneurial Support
  • Changing Corporate Culture
  • Youth Leadership
  • ——–Secondary———————–

  • Climate & Sustainability
  • Creative Impact
  • Careers With a Purpose & Career Transition
  • University offerings/initiatives
  • ——–Future———————–

  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Long Term Societal Impact thinking

If you are interested in a deeper dive into how we see some of these divisions evolving in the future, with blogs, conferences, etc. please visit this page

Current Co-Chairs

Mo Dastagir

Entrepreneurial Support - US

Mo is a veteran CIO who sits on numerous boards of other non-profits, as well as on the US National Board for SotG

Lucrecia Almaraz-Sonder

Women's Empowerment - Regional Councils

Lucrecia is a dedicated International Development professional who is currently leading the development of SotG Women’s Regional Councils as well as interim Regional Coordinator for Central America&Mexico.

Cato Rasmussen

Changing Corporate Culture

Trent Simmons

Creative Impact

Trent Simmons is one of the co-founders and the Managing Director of the World Spirit of the Game Foundation. He is also founder and President of 10 Million Discs, an international NGO which uses the unique sport of Ultimate frisbee to advance a wide array of social and humanitarian causes around the world.

His background includes a wide variety of start-ups, both operating and consulting, and he has utilized that experience to help 10 Million Discs develop a diverse global network with very low overhead. His vision is to put that network to use, taking Spirit of the Game pilot programs developed and tested in Switzerland and spreading them globally.

Trent is a US citizen, Swiss resident and lives in Zurich with his wife and 3 year old son.

Can you imagine a world where 'How much can I get away with' was replaced with 'How much good can I eventually do?
Can you imagine a network who exists solely in order to help its members do more good?
Can you imagine a world where Personal Accountability was the true measure for success?