Are we appropriating the term SotG?

This is our first draft of these replies. We welcome additional feedback from the Ultimate community. 

There have been a few members of the global Ultimate community who, upon first hearing about the World Spirit of the Game Foundation and all the areas we are working on, have expressed concerns that we are “appropriating” the name. 

Here is our response

1) SotG is much bigger than just the Ultimate community and has a massive potential to change the world for the better; we can’t hoard it, but must share it with the world.
2) Some have expressed concerns that we are trying to monetize the name with our full suite of coaching/consulting services for companies and universities. And to a degree that is true, but the primary goal of that division is not to help anybody get rich, but simply to ensure a stable and reliable source of income for the rest of our work so that we don’t have to be continually fundraising or worrying about our long term plans. 
Some of our partners will hopefully make a lot of money with SotG business services, but if so that simply means they will have raised even more money for the non-profit side of our work.   
3) Some have expressed concern that anybody who doesn’t come from the Ultimate community can’t really understand SotG.  We literally cannot count the number of people from outside of Ultimate who have immediately embraced SotG as a framework which ties together all of the areas of their lives and ways in which they have tried to live a better life. Simply because someone hasn’t heard about SotG through the sport doesn’t mean they haven’t been looking for an alternative definition of winning. Approximately 2/3 of our organization has never played the sport and if the average Ultimate player displayed the same passion for spreading these principles as those non-players do, there would be no need for our organization.
4) With that said, we will have to be diligent to ensure standards for people and organizations operating under the SotG banner, especially as it’s designed to be a decentralized platform which inspires and empowers ordinary people to step up and make a difference. 
Inevitably someone will come along who doesn’t truly embrace these values, but just sees an opportunity to use the platform solely for their own benefit. Preparing for this contingency is one of the reasons we are bending over backwards to include the global Ultimate community in this process, even though there is a gap between the sport and most of our work. We’re counting on you to keep an eye out for that behaviour and we invite you to join the Spirit Committee of the SotG Foundation, even if you don’t get involved in our work in any other way.
You can do so by contacting the head of that committee at 

In conclusion, SotG is an idea whose time has come, and it has almost universal appeal, at least for all the people who don’t think the current global status quo is simply wonderful. 
We understand that most Ultimate players don’t want to be role models for the rest of the world, and they don’t want to brag about how great their sport is, but we feel that playing the sport of Ultimate and being able to spend so much time with other people who have embraced an alternative definition of winning is a PRIVILEGE, and we also believe that with privilege comes responsibility.

p.s. please do not share this specific page outside of the Ultimate community, this is our chance to speak directly to you and address your concerns, so we’re putting language on this page which isn’t shared with the rest of the world. Thank you. 

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Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque fermentum arcu sed nibh sagittis, ut fermentum metus rutrum. In facilisis lacinia felis ut placerat. Cras pellentesque interdum magna, vel suscipit risus finibus eu. Morbi sit amet elit eu dui bibendum volutpat. Praesent ultrices varius molestie. Nulla facilisi. Sed consectetur velit mi, a malesuada felis convallis a. Donec non maximus augue, consequat venenatis lacus.

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Maecenas quis massa dui. Mauris elementum sed sem viverra tempus. Pellentesque placerat facilisis consectetur. Donec eget ipsum pharetra, iaculis augue quis, blandit est. Sed eu elit volutpat, pretium urna ac, commodo urna. Nullam vulputate mauris diam, ac posuere eros volutpat ullamcorper. In posuere mauris vel enim porta, id dignissim diam mollis. Proin vitae urna sem. Sed at elit luctus, egestas felis eu, ullamcorper odio. Vestibulum vel rutrum dui, in accumsan risus. Nullam nec volutpat neque. Nam ultricies blandit mauris sed egestas. Duis vehicula congue justo, et suscipit nibh aliquet quis. Etiam pulvinar ligula vel lacus fermentum, at ultricies nisl dictum. Nunc porta magna augue, id semper enim sodales ac. Vivamus sagittis neque ut scelerisque malesuada.

Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque fermentum arcu sed nibh sagittis, ut fermentum metus rutrum. In facilisis lacinia felis ut placerat. Cras pellentesque interdum magna, vel suscipit risus finibus eu. Morbi sit amet elit eu dui bibendum volutpat. Praesent ultrices varius molestie. Nulla facilisi. Sed consectetur velit mi, a malesuada felis convallis a. Donec non maximus augue, consequat venenatis lacus.

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