The Spirit of the Game Foundation is establishing Steering Committees in countries around the world for the eventual establishment of National SotG Chapters. In some countries there may already be an NGO which is so closely aligned with our philosophies and approaches, that it makes sense for them to simply take on the additional mantle of SotG Chapter for that country.

We offer:

An international platform to act as a foundation for your efforts.

Regular interaction with other steering committees going through the same process.

A regular schedule of activities and global initiatives you can choose to participate in blueprints for local programs you can run, including grant writing assistance.

A framework for establishment of SotG Clubs and Discussion Groups to help grow your chapter at a grassroots level while you put the official pieces in place at the national level.

By the end of 2021, or sooner, our goal is to be able to start providing some small scale financial support to our national chapters. In the meantime, members of the steering committee are also welcome to incorporate any of their endeavors under the SotG umbrella; and it is not uncommon for doors to open simply because you are now affiliated with an international organization and movement.

While progress will vary from country to country and based on the energy level of the steering committee, here is a rough timeline for our initial chapters.

June – September 2020
Recruitment of Board of Directors (3-5 people) and at least 3 Advisory Board Members + 3 businesses as Founding Partners (businesses owned by members of the board are okay if necessary). We are generally able to recruit at least 1 Board Member from our network if necessary.

October 2020 – January 2021
Begin the initial process of registering as a non-profit. In most countries, the initial registration process is quite simply, and then the complicated process is that of getting officially certified so that
a) Foundations trust you enough to give you money.
b) Donations made to you can be tax deductible by the donors.
c) In many countries, there may be additional VAT advantages.

February – September 2021
Start systematically building framework of national chapter through establishment of SotG Clubs and Discussions Groups all across the country. Help some of those begin regular activities.
Begin applying for grants and/or begin fundraising efforts.
Start the process of getting officially certified.
Decide on your own first nationwide initiative, either of your own devising, or choosing from our menu.

October 2021 – January 2022
Complete official registration status.
Begin mentoring at least one steering committee in a neighboring country and at least one steering committee in a country which is geographically and/or financially remote from yours.

“Most people drastically overestimate how much they can accomplish in 1 year, and dramatically underestimate how much they can accomplish in 10” – Bill Gates

Can you imagine a world where 'How much can I get away with' was replaced with 'How much good can I eventually do?
Can you imagine a network who exists solely in order to help its members do more good?
Can you imagine a world where Personal Accountability was the true measure for success?