Taking off the mask (part 2)

The mission of crowdcoach is to develop the best authentic ideas using collective wisdom for the life challenges of all people. It was initiated because we realized that every day of our lives, everybody regardless of gender, location or generation face different smaller or bigger life challenges. 

Especially today, when the world as we know is changing to the new normal and we must deal with it all, adjust and keep up. We are constantly asking ourselves how to behave in difficult life situations. When we cannot find the solution ourselves, we turn to others. On the other hand, our own existence is fully filled with life experience that might help others with their challenges. Everything we have experienced in our lives or what makes us human can be meaningful to others. 

Imagine if we could gather people from around the world and use all our knowledge and life experience in order to help each other. Whatever the issue might be related to work, love, health, relationships, personal development or even covid-19 – collective wisdom helps you deal with it. Because some either went through the same situation or they have the specific knowledge or they are just good listeners and give you the necessary needed support. 

We believe innovation is all about people. That’s why crowdcoach doesn’t just manage ideas. 

It manages idea innovation with swarm intelligence. Discover the best innovative ideas you have not thought of yet. It is fun, simple and social and will get you addicted. Enjoy on the go and get notified about the most promising ideas for the challenges in daily life. Follow the most authentic ideas as they bubble to the top and connect with dedicated people.

CROWDCOACH is a free app based on the collective wisdom that many can do more and help others better than just one single person.

For further information, visit us on www.crowdcoach.com.
Download on the App Store or use the Web App. 

Powered by People.

@Andreas Seonbuchner andreas.seonbuchner@gmail.com