US Positions

Our next Q&A calls will take place at 4 PM and 8PM Eastern on Nov 2nd

NATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS (Impact Coaching, NGO, and Social Movement Pillars)

Time Commitment – 10-20 hours per month approximately

Role – 

Impact Coaching – Networking and business development, while also advising on content development. Each board member will likely specialize in a particular column of this pillar: Corporate/SMEs, Start-ups, Universities, or Individual coaching

NGO – Building out the network of partners, strategic planning on specific topics to address, then fundraising and governance

Social Movement – Strategic Partnerships and National level initiatives


Time Commitment – 5-10 hours per month approximately

Role –

  1. Coordinate activies between the different Pillars
  2. Liaison between the National Boards and State Coordinators

Each Regional Board member will typically have 1 Pillar they primarily focus on and 1 secondary pillar


Time Commitment – 60-90 minutes every 1-2 weeks, typically for a 3-6 month period

Role – Brainstorming, Content development, and/or marketing strategy for specific SotG offerings or NGO topics, i.e. SotG Workshops foR Schools, or Youth Leadership NGO programs


Time Commitment – Highly variable depending on the state and Pillar

Role – 

  1. Coordinate activies for 1-2 specific Pillars
  2. Liaison between the Regional Boards and Ambassadors
  3. Support national level initiatives
  4. Help expand the network


Time Commitment – No specific time commitment

Role – Support the State Coordinators and promote national level events


If you don’t have time to actively contribute, you can financially support SotG by making a donation via paypal to


If you have neither time or money to support, you can still subscribe to our newsletter by emailing


We have a wide array of individuals and teams around the world who want to support SotG by building a business under our brand umbrella. In addition to helping grow our brand, these businesses are also expected to help financially support the foundation in the future, so with discretion, we help support their growth. A few examples are a credit union in Trinidad&Tobago, an Impact Investing consultancy in Switzerland, and a sports company in Turkey.

Our organization has 4 main Pillars and the Strategic Plan listed below explains our current plans for the US. Once we have sufficient leadership in Canada and Mexico, we’ll do the same process there.

1) Developing SotG as the world’s first “crowd-sourced” life philosophy which both provides individuals with an internal framework for choosing a different definition of winning and as a Social Movement which provides the external framework that helps like minded individuals and organizations around the world maximize their positive impact on society.  

2) An Impact Coaching division to help raise funds for the non-profit work, and which now has a wide range of offerings for universities, as well as for corporations, SMEs, and start-ups. 

3) Typical NGO work which includes applying for grants on Youth Leadership, Women’s Empowerment, and Entrepreneurial support, among others, as well as organizing national/global initiatives and supporting other NGOs

4) A national/global Impact Network of “disruptors of dysfunctional systems” that consists of individuals and organizations from the worlds of non-profit, social enterprise, for profit, academia and government.

Here is a full video overview of these 4 pillars as well as a deeper explanation of the long term goals of the organization/movement.
If you would like the non-narrated version you can view it here

Here is our State/Provincial Coordinator Handbook. We will begin recruiting for those positions once the national and regional Boards of Directors are more solidified. In the meantime we have created the Ambassador role for people who want to support SotG but either don’t have the time yet for an official position or simply aren’t famliar enough yet with our whole ecosystem to know where they fit in. 

Estimated time commitment for the National Boards is 10-20 hours per month, with 5-10 hours per month for the Regional Board members.

US Strategic Plan 2021
NGO Pillar –

Short term – Free SotG Workshops in Schools in the short term

Long Term – Supporting Minority Entrepreneurship in the long term

Impact Coaching Pillar –

Short term – Strategic University Partnerships

Mid term     – SotG University and (paid) School Workshops in the mid term

Long term – Changing Corporate Culture and Creative Impact with young Entrepreneurs 

Social Movement Pillar – not a short term focus

Mid term(starting this winter) – SotG Clubs and Discussion Groups

Long term – Uniting various communities and causes 

Impact Network Pillar – there are already so many networks in the US that we may simply pursue a strategic partnership with an existing network where we can layer on our values and validations


US Structural Plan
Q2 2021
1) Establish the Impact Coaching National Board

2) Start Regional Boards by recruiting 2-3 Impact Coaching members per region
Q3 2021
3) Either National Board for NGO Pillar and/or start fleshing out regional boards with NGO Pillar members
Q4 2021
4) 1-3 Regional Coordinators per region for Social Movement Pillar primarily focused on Clubs and Discussion Groups


5) Solidifying Regional Boards, starting a US SotG100 (or 50) for the Impact Network Pillar

6) Forming the National Boards for the NGO and Social Movement Pillars

7) Starting to solidify State Coordinators structure

National Council 

Over time, as the National and Regional Boards become established and SotG activities accumulate, there will probably arise the need for a National Council to help coordinate the activities of the different Pillars. This Council will likely contain representatives from the National Boards, SotG coaches and other businesses, our NGO partnership network, as well as government/academia.