US Strategic Plan

Our next Q&A calls will take place at 4 PM and 8PM Eastern on Nov 2nd

Please note that the Strategic Plan above is a presentation which you need to scroll through, it’s not just a single slide. Please read below for more details about specific roles we are looking to fill in the US over the next 12-18 months. 

NATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS (Impact Coaching, NGO, and Social Movement Pillars)

Time Commitment – 10-20 hours per month approximately

Role – 

Impact Coaching Board- Networking and business development, while also advising on content development. Each board member will likely specialize in a particular column of this pillar: Corporate/SMEs, Start-ups, Universities, or Individual coaching

NGO Board – Building out the network of partners, strategic planning on specific topics to address, then fundraising and governance

Social Movement Board- Strategic Partnerships and National level initiatives


Time Commitment – 5-10 hours per month approximately (but only 1-2 hours per month in the early stages)

Role –

  1. Coordinate activities between the different Pillars
  2. Liaison between the National Boards and State Coordinators
  3. Create a Regional Strategic Plan

Each Regional Board member will typically have 1 Pillar they primarily focus on and 1 secondary pillar


Time Commitment – 60-90 minutes every 1-2 weeks, typically for a 3-6 month period

Role – Brainstorming, Content development, and/or marketing strategy for specific SotG offerings or NGO topics, i.e. SotG Workshops foR Schools, or Youth Leadership NGO programs


Time Commitment – Highly variable depending on the state and Pillar

Role – 

  1. Coordinate activies for 1-2 specific Pillars
  2. Liaison between the Regional Boards and Ambassadors
  3. Support national level initiatives
  4. Help expand the network


Time Commitment – No specific time commitment

Role – Support the State Coordinators and promote national level events


If you don’t have time to actively contribute, you can financially support SotG by making a donation via paypal to


If you have neither time or money to support, you can still subscribe to our newsletter by emailing


We have a wide array of individuals and teams around the world who want to support SotG by building a business under our brand umbrella. In addition to helping grow our brand, these businesses are also expected to help financially support the foundation in the future, so with discretion, we help support their growth. A few examples are a credit union in Trinidad&Tobago, an Impact Investing consultancy in Switzerland, and a sports company in Turkey.

National Council 

Over time, as the National and Regional Boards become established and SotG activities accumulate, there will probably arise the need for a National Council to help coordinate the activities of the different Pillars. This Council will likely contain representatives from the National Boards, SotG coaches and other businesses, our NGO partnership network, as well as government/academia.