Supporting other NGOs

The World Spirit of the Game Foundation(SotG Global)’s mission is to help individuals and organizations take Personal Accountability for maximizing their Impact on the world. We operate under 4 main Pillars:

1) A worldwide social movement based on  the world’s first “crowd-sourced” life philosophy

2) An Impact Coaching/Consulting Coalition which directly influences the corporate and start-up worlds as well as academia, all while raising funds for our non-profit work.

3) A global network of NGOs which address root causes of societal dysfunction through long term planning and a focus on Personal Accountability to find new and innovative solutions.

4) The Impactful Networks help people from specific industries to maximize their personal impact AND change industry standards.


The last time the world had so many passionate young people actively trying to make the world a better place was the 60s and 70s. 
Unfortunately that generation largely “sold out” or disengaged, resulting in 40 years of some of the worst world leadership we have seen when you factor in the fact that earlier generations at least had the partial excuse of ignorance regarding societal problems. 
And now today we also face that same type of tipping point opportunity.
If we can both inspire young people to stay passionate and engaged, and also empower them to actually have an influence on their own future, they can largely repair the damage wrought by their parents and grandparents’ generations.
But if we aren’t successful, those same young people will be sucked into existing power structures and a golden opportunity will have been lost.


Broadly speaking our NGO Support initiatives fall into 3 main categories, as well as 3 main age groups


Direct Support 

We provide a wide range of coaching and consulting services directly to Universities and we also have adapted most of them for a High School audience
a ton of experts from every field imaginable working on SotG projects, and we’ve been compiling a global database of the ones who have skill set that would help an NGO diversity their revenue stream and improve their efficiency. This expertise ranges from Marketing and Branding(not the same thing) to Accounting and IT, to partnerships and sponsorships(also not the same thing) to Culture and Recruiting.

Our offerings range from group classes and peer advisory courses to individual or organizational consulting. Our experts do charge for these services, but not always in purely financial terms.

NGO Coalition building and grant support

Again, we are not opposed to receiving grants or helping other NGOs get grants; we simply don’t think that small NGOs should be forced to spend 50% of their time chasing money, rather than doing the work they were founded to do. 
So we have three different ways to help other NGOs be more efficient in their grant process:
A) We will be developing nationwide Coalitions of local NGOs working in a similar field(Youth NGOs across Nigeria is the first example). The initial goal of these Coalitions is simply knowledge sharing and group coaching(typically provided pro bono by us and our experts), with the mid term goal being to apply for grants as a group, so the locals can compete with the INGOs. The longer term goal is to build global networks of these coalitions for even greater collective bargaining power

B) As we ramp up our grant research and writing teams and increase the number of NGOs in our network, we’ll be in a position of referring grant opportunities to our partners, or even completing some/most of the grant paperwork for them.
C) Eventually we will be able to act as matchmakers between funding sources in developed economies and small efficient local NGOs in developing economies.

Celebrity NGOs and HNWI Foundations

We have three different initiatives based on the concept of SotG providing:

  • NGO/Foundation start-up assistance
  • Strategic Planning and partnership development
  • Administrative economy of scale

The three target groups for these initiatives are

  • Celebrities starting their own NGO or Foundation – Basically we free up their time to do the thing which only they can do, ‘Be Famous’ and leverage their network and fan base. 
  • HNWI (High Net Worth Individuals) – Who are typically very good at making money, but typically just give it away rather than fully leveraging their business networks to create an Impact multiplier effect. 
  • Student Athletes – Who are usually local celebrities and have a lot of energy plus major long term fundraising potential if they go pro.

We are looking for Regional and National Coordinators for our NGO Support programs

If you would like to get involved in bringing one or more of these SotG NGO Support programs to your region or country, please email our Managing Director: