As of Oct 1, 2023, there are 4 specific ways to start a new City Chapter within the SotG ecosystem. Over time most major cities will end up having all of these chapters and they will fully collaborate and support each other. So the main determining factor about which comes first for any particular city is simply the first City Chairperson we find willing to put in the work OR the first local non-profit we find which is open-minded and forward thinking enough to take on this mantle. 


General SOTG Chapter

General SotG chapter

Discussion Events, Ambassador program, Personal Accountability Network of Networks, SotG membership
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The Impactful Business Network

Network of Networks, Grassroots Approach, Formal Launch Approach, A specialist Approach

The Impactful Business Network

TISBN – Impactful Small Business <> TIEN – Impactful Enterprise(Corporate) <> TICN – Impactful Coaches/Consultants <> TIIN – Impactful Investors
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The Impactful Women’s Network

The Impactful Women’s Network

Network of Networks <> Grassroots Approach <> Formal Launch Approach <> Grants Approach
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SotG’s Wellness and Mental Health division

Typically starting as Mind-Body Soul

SotG’s Wellness and Mental Health division

Safe Space Discussion Events Nobody’s “Normal” Events
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We are currently recruiting for City Chairpersons and City Chair MENTORS, each of which will mentor 2-4 City Chairs at a time and be their primary support resource. To apply for a City Chair or City Chair Mentor position, please email the appropriate Global division


City Chair Mentors are expected to contribute 3.5-5 hours per week starting with a 4 week training cours

After the training course:
2 hours attending the global updates call and reading update materials.

5-1 hour mentoring each of your mentees


For City Chairs the expectation is typically 5 hours a week to begin with, with that expectation increasing once revenue is expected in the near future
Exactly how that time is spent is largely up to each individual as well as which approach they are starting with.

Regardless of which division of SotG you choose to start with, or all of the above, the starting point basically boils down to three main decisions:

  1. Do you want to start with:
    1. A membership model or
    2. Events open to the public
    3. Trying to build a local coalition of partners
  2. If starting with a membership or events model, do you want to charge right away or first provide free content to build up your community
  3. How many people on your team do you need to get started?